Friday, August 03, 2007

WM3 Update

They've found evidence that links the stepfather to the murders.
WM Police still insist it's meaningless.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Funniest Thing Happened on the Bus Today

I saw another lesbo on the bus
and she actually smiled at me
in a friendly way
like friendly people do
my first thought was
"She must have just moved here."

She'll cop to soon enough.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


from her debut album cover

Now I Am Reluctant to Post on livejournal

because I friended Jean Moulin
and other french resistance fans
and I am falling into that old timey catch 22
about joining a club that would have me as a member...

I have delusions of grandeur for them
especially this phantom person who posts as jean moulin
I imagine they are all more intelligent than I
which is probably true
but I imagine myself more intelligent than a lot of other people
and yes it does make me think less of them
but who gives a fuck what I think?


Sunday, June 03, 2007

And more kitteh pics...

I know it's over

still I post
photos of Easter with Sisters...

(I don't think I will ever tire of mocking Morrissey)

in my Easter Egg Costume.

Yeah, I've gone past chubby here
but at least it helped with the egg theme,
and my knockers are still in proportion!

So, there I am with Sister Gladys Pantsaroff
who helped to pull a man from this:

They didn't save him.
But another passerby saved a puppy
from one of the burning cars.
This is why I love SF.

I love a city where people
on their way home from work
will run
the fire.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Why I Hate livejournal too

I can't believe some of the crap I read.

It's so annoying.
Maybe I'm just tired
but I really don't want to read
the personal details of my friends' sex lives.

Nor do I want to read posts from FtMs
who think it's oppressive
for anyone to suggest that they are not regular old straight men.

I know that, in my postmodernist classes
it was fun to banter about reality
and what comprises reality
but seriously
get a fkn grip.

Why I Hate MySpace

because I am not 14.
because I am creeped out by watching other 30 something 40 something dykes
act like they are 14.
because I am neither a whore nor a band.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dramatic Frontiers and Banal Delights

Ah the homo scene in San Francisco...
we are less than what we think we are
and more than is really called for.

One such interesting spot in San Francisco
happens once a month and is the gathering place
for some fascinating dykes and transmen...In Bed With Fairy Butch.
Fairy Butch no longer performs

It's one of the few things that inspires me to leave the house, despite the fact that even in places I find interesting there exists a social tone like metal on a chalkboard.

It is not just the mind bogglingly twisted state of the entire fkn world
but the micro-bog that even the smallest of personal contacts have become.

I noticed a trend toward the institutionalization
the growing pandemic of sly poison
in the 90s.

(or maybe it was the 80s)

Maybe it was just when I grew the ability to recognise trouble
but whenever it was
it drove me bats.

It still does, only now it's everywhere...
it's the normalization of cognitive dissonance,
sometimes even the expectation of cognitive dissonance.

I'm not talking about the fantasies everyone keeps in their heads
the toothbrush as microphone disease
or, like one of my college friends was deluded enough to admit to,
masturbating in front of the mirror with sunglasses on.

No, not your average private bullshit
this crazy making habit
of acting offended and surprised when public fantasies
often toxic fantasies
are challenged.

These people want so much for the rest of the world to agree
that what is not true
is actually true
that they are willing to pretend to believe each other
and will fly into a horror movie worthy panic
when those fantasies are challenged.

Now, I would love to be a princess or a magical gypsy
but I don't expect you to pretend that I am
just to make me happy.

Oh and it is so much worse in Lesbo-land.
You have no idea.

So many dykes want me to play along with such complete fabrications.

I am the wrong person for that job.

Remember when you were in 7th grade and someone told you
if you think you're hot everyone will believe it?

It's just not true,
unless you live in San Francisco
and date the right dykes.

If you land in the right spot
you can be hideous and broke and
completely lacking in social skills
and you will find women who will pander to your delusion
just so that you will pretend that they are also pretty pretty princesses
and masters of the universe.

As if it were not exhausting enough to keep up with that which we are supposed to be
righteously pissed off about
which is usually a matter of degrees
or taste
there is the constant drama manufactured by people
who either have it waaaaaaay too easy
or have not taken their meds.

If you are ever bored and want to appreciate the relative serenity
that is your life
or even the relative maturity that is your life
or if you want to get into some ugly girlfights
look no further than here

not only is it a regular source for hilarious antics
it can also
(cue scary music)
be a place where one can unexpectedly step in someone else's

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Another thing to read

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


“What is freedom? We have a choice between buying one car or buying another car?
It’s a simulation of freedom.”

Champagne for my real friends

and real pain for my sham friends.

look for words and cheesy attempts at self expression in word form

Friday, March 02, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007


I used to write a lot.
Yeah, it sucked but it was fun to do.

Since I started with a day job the writing stopped.
So did reading.

Now I read rarely, unless it's for work.
I've given a lot to this job.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ms Emily Lucia aka Puddy

Isn't she beautiful...
and she's a merciful ruler too.
She always lets Nesto eat out of her bowl.