Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I used to post actual thoughts on here

and then I realised that no one cares
and that's as it should be.


Jenn said...

well, I care... I didn't know about this site... :)

Isindra said...

Few did.
I guess I was looking for random readers.
I'm glad you care!

J. Herzog said...

Just so happens I check your blog for the first time in a while and that's when you post. Cool.

I've been a lazy blogger too lately, but at least I've been doing some reviews for the local alt-weekly rag.

What's new with you?

Isindra said...

Hey J!

I was doing all my posting at livejournal. Now I'm back and forth.

Not much is new yet.
I'm hoping to go back to school and finish my MA in Psychology so I can work with criminals instead of kids.

I'm bored with the happy art projects.

More than that, I'm ready for something that's challenging in a way that I like to be challenged. I feel most of my skills & talents are under-valued in my current field.

How about you?
Any wedding bells in your future or past?